Joseph Michael

Author Joseph Michael


Hello, I am Joseph Michael, the creator and editor of Ever since I was a kid, I had a curious hobby of finding out how much things cost in different places and situations. I would always research online, read books, and ask people about the prices of various items and services. I enjoyed comparing and analyzing the differences and similarities in the costs of living around the world.

I realized that this hobby of mine could also be useful for others who want to make smart and informed choices with their money. That’s why I started this website, to help you find out the average cost of various products and services that you might be interested in buying or doing.


I have a background in economics and statistics, and I graduated with a bachelor’s degree in economics. I use various sources and methods to collect and analyze data on consumer topics.

Data Collection

To provide you with the most accurate and up-to-date information on the cost of everything, I and my team use the following sources and methods:

We search for a specific item on Google, WikipediaTwitterYouTubeQuoraReddit, and every online source where we believe we can find data from that product.

We gather data from different individuals, organizations, companies, websites, etc. that have relevant information on the cost of the item.

Then we write the data in a proper structure and format that can be easily readable and understandable by anyone.

We update the data regularly to reflect the changes in the market and the economy.

Personal Interests

I love to travel, play cricket, read books, study about economics and statistics in my free time. I hope you find useful and informative, and I welcome your feedback and suggestions.

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