How Much Does it Cost to Rent a Golf Cart

Golf carts are not only useful just for playing golf but also for exploring new places, enjoying the outdoors and having a good time with your friends and family. If you are planning a vacation or a special event that involves golfing, sightseeing or just cruising around, you might want to rent a golf cart instead of buying one.

As buying a golf cart can be expensive and impractical if you only need it for a short time. But the question in your mind will be: how much does it cost to rent a golf cart? 

The answer depends on several factors, such as the location where you are going to rent, the time of year, the type of golf cart, duration of rental, the number of golf carts rented, and the additional fees and insurance. 

In this article, I will explain how each of these factors affects the rental price of a golf cart and give you some estimated rental costs in different scenarios. This will help you get a clear idea of how much you will pay when renting a golf cart.

I could give you a direct estimate that it will cost you X amount of money, but that would not be accurate or helpful for everyone. Different people have different needs and preferences when it comes to renting a golf cart.

That’s why I want to write in a way that everyone can relate and get to know the cost according to their scenario. So let’s get started.

Factors Influencing Golf Cart Rental Costs

As I said the cost of renting a golf cart depends on several factors, so let me explain them to you each in detail:

👉🏽Size of the Golf Cart:

different sizes of a golf cart

The rental cost of a golf cart depends largely on its size. The bigger the golf cart the more people it can fit, for example:

A golf cart that can seat four people might cost $65 per day. A golf cart that can seat six people, with extra space, might cost $110 per day. However, if you have a large group, 8 seater might cost you around $120 per day


Size of the Golf CartCost per DayCost per WeekCost per Month

👉🏽Location Specific pricing:

Location specific golf carts renting

The location where you want to rent a golf cart can make a big difference in the price. Some things that affect the location-based price are:

Regional variations in rental rates: Some places are more popular than others for golfing or tourism and they may charge more for golf cart rentals. For example, renting a golf cart in Hawaii may be more expensive than renting one in Florida, because Hawaii is more in demand and has fewer golf courses and rental companies.

Popular golf destinations vs local courses: The popularity of the destination where you want to rent a golf cart can also affect the rental rates. Popular golf destinations may charge higher prices for golf cart rentals because they have more tourists and visitors who are willing to pay more.

On the other hand, local golf courses may offer lower prices for golf cart rentals, because they have less competition and want to attract more customers. Below is the table for average cost on renting golf carts based on different locations

LocationCost per DayCost per WeekCost per Month
New York$50-$120$300-$720$900-$2160

Local Course, Resort or High-end Club and Tourist Destination also matters in cost for renting

LocationCost Range Per Day
Local Course$50 – $100
Resort/High-end Club$100 – $200
Tourist Destination$80 – $150

👉🏽How Long You Want to Rent It:

How Long You Want to Rent golf cart

The duration of your golf cart rental can also influence the rental costs. Some of the factors that affect duration based pricing are:

How many hours, days, weeks, or months you want to rent it: The longer you rent a golf cart, the more you’ll have to pay. But the price may not be the same for every time unit. For example, renting a golf cart for an hour may cost you $15, while renting it for a day may cost you $60.

This means that if you rent a golf cart for four hours, you’ll pay the same as renting it for a day. So, if you want to save money, you may want to compare the hourly, daily, weekly, and monthly rates before you decide how long you want to rent a golf cart.

How much discount you can get for longer rentals: Some companies may give you a discount if you rent a golf cart for a longer period, such as a week or a month. For example, renting a golf cart for a week may cost you $300, while renting it for a month may cost you $900.

This means that you’ll save $300 if you rent a golf cart for a month instead of a week. Therefore, you should ask the rental company if they offer any discounts for longer rentals, and how much you can save by renting a golf cart for a longer period.

Rental DurationCost per DayCost per WeekCost per Month

👉🏽Type and model of golf cart:

Types and models of golf cart

The type and model of the golf cart you want to rent can also affect the rental costs. Some of the factors that affect type and model based pricing are:

Standard vs premium models: The quality and features of the golf cart you want to rent can influence the rental rates. Standard models are usually cheaper than premium models because they have less amenities and performance.

Like renting a standard golf cart may cost you $40 per day, while renting a premium golf cart may cost you $80 per day.

Gas-powered vs electric carts: The power source of the golf cart you want to rent can also affect the rental costs. Gas-powered carts are usually more expensive than electric carts, because they have higher fuel and maintenance costs.

For example, renting a gas powered golf cart may cost you $50 per day, while renting an electric golf cart may cost you $40 per day. However, gas-powered carts may have more speed and range than electric carts which can be useful for different purposes.

Therefore, you should weigh the pros and cons of gas powered and electric carts before you decide which one to rent.

Type and Model of Golf CartCost per DayCost per WeekCost per Month

👉🏽What Extras You Want to Have in Your Golf Cart:

Extra Accessories in golf carts

The extra additional features and accessories you want to have in your golf cart can also affect the price. Some of the extras that can affect the price are:

GPS systems: Some rental companies may offer GPS systems in their golf carts, which can help you find your way around the golf course or the place you’re visiting. But GPS systems may increase the price, because they are expensive and need maintenance.

For example, renting a golf cart with a GPS system may cost you $10 extra per day, compared to renting a golf cart without a GPS system.

Canopy and weather protection: Some golf cart rental companies may offer canopy and weather protection in their golf carts which can protect you from the sun, rain, wind, and other elements. However, canopy and weather protection may increase the rental costs because they are additional features that require installation and maintenance.

Renting a golf cart with a canopy and weather protection may cost you $5 more per day, than renting a golf cart without them.

Storage options: Some rental companies may offer storage options in their golf carts, such as coolers, baskets, racks, and compartments. These storage options can help you store your belongings such as golf clubs, drinks, snacks, and personal items.

But storage options will definitely increase the price because they are extra accessories that need space and maintenance. Renting a golf cart with a cooler may cost you $3 more per day, than renting a golf cart without a cooler.

ExtrasCost Range Per Day
GPS Navigation System$10 – $20
Bluetooth Speaker System$15 – $30
Canopy/Roof Cover$20 – $40
Premium Seats$15 – $25
Storage options$3 – $12

Therefore, you should think about how much storage space you need and what items you want to bring with you before you select a golf cart rental with or without storage options.

Please remember that these figures are approximate and can vary based on the rental company, location, and specific circumstances. Always confirm prices directly with the rental provider and inquire about any additional fees or insurance costs.

After Analyzing all these factors, the average cost to rent a golf cart can range from $50 to $100 per day, $200 to $500 or more per week, and $500 to $1,500 or more per month.

What Else You May Have to Pay When You Rent a Golf Cart

Besides the price of renting a golf cart, there may be some other fees and charges that you may have to pay when you rent a golf cart. Some of the other fees and charges that you should know about are:

Maintenance fees:

Some rental companies want you to pay maintenance fees for taking care of the golf carts. They use these fees to cover the costs of fixing, servicing, and cleaning the golf carts.

Maintenance fees may vary depending on the type and model of the golf cart, the length of the rental, and the condition of the golf cart. For example, you may have to pay $10 per day for maintenance fees, no matter how much the rental price is.

Cleaning and damage charges:

Some rental companies may ask you to pay cleaning and damage charges. They use these charges to cover the costs of cleaning and fixing the golf carts.

These charges may apply if you return the golf cart dirty, damaged, or in a worse condition than when you rented it. Cleaning and damage charges may vary depending on how much cleaning and repair is needed, and the rules of the rental company.

Insurance costs and options:

Some golf cart rental companies may charge you insurance costs and offer you insurance options for covering your golf cart rental. These costs and options may apply if you want to protect yourself and the golf cart from any accidents, injuries, or liabilities that may occur during the rental period.

Insurance costs and options may vary depending on the coverage and benefits of the insurance plan, and the policies of the rental company.

How to Find the Best Deal for Your Golf Cart Rental

Before you rent a golf cart, you should look for the best deal for your needs and budget. Some of the steps you should take to find the best deal are:

Research the local rental companies:

You should look for the local rental companies that offer golf cart rentals in the place you want to go. You can search for golf cart rental companies near you may ask for recommendations from people you know who have rented golf carts before this way you can rent from those service provider who are trustworthy and you know they will gave you the best price.

I can share some of the websites that give their golf carts on rent, you can checkout:

Read the customer reviews and testimonials:

You should read what other customers have said about the rental companies you’re interested in. You can find customer reviews and testimonials on the websites of the rental companies. You should look for customer reviews and testimonials that are recent, relevant, and trustworthy.

Compare the prices and services offered:

You should compare the prices and services offered by the rental companies you are considering. You can also contact the rental companies directly, or visit their websites, to compare the features, extras, and options of the golf carts they offer. You should look for rental companies that offer the best value for your money, and that meet your needs and expectations.

What You Should Know Before You Rent a Golf Cart

Here are some of the things you should know before you rent a golf cart:

Do you need a driver’s license to rent a golf cart? 

It depends on where you want to rent a golf cart and which rental company you choose. Some places and rental companies may ask you to have a valid driver’s license to rent a golf cart, while others may not. You should check the local laws and the rental policies before you rent a golf cart, and bring your driver’s license with you if it’s required.

At what age can I drive a golf cart?

The age requirement to drive a golf cart depends on where you are located. Different states and countries have different rules and regulations for golf cart drivers. In general, the minimum age to drive a golf cart ranges from 12 to 18 years old. Some places may also require a driver’s license, a safety course, or adult supervision to operate a golf cart. 

Are there different types of golf carts available for rent, and do they have varying rental prices?

Yes, golf carts come in different models and sizes. Standard golf carts, luxury models, or carts with additional features may have different rental rates. The specific type of golf cart you choose will impact the overall cost.

Can I reserve a golf cart in advance, and does it affect the rental price?

Most rental companies allow reservations in advance. Booking early may secure your preferred golf cart model and possibly offer discounts or promotional rates. It’s recommended to inquire about reservation policies when contacting the rental provider.

What happens if the golf cart is damaged during the rental period?

It’s important to understand the rental company policy regarding damages. Some companies may charge a security deposit, and any damages incurred during the rental period may be deducted from this deposit. Clarify the terms and conditions related to damages before renting.

Are there discounts available for renting multiple golf carts or for extended periods?

Many rental companies offer discounts for group rentals or extended periods. Inquire about any available discounts or promotional offers based on your specific rental needs.

Ending Thoughts

So, there you have it. That’s how much it costs to rent a golf cart. As you can see, the cost of renting a golf cart can vary depending on many factors, such as the size of cart, the location, the type of golf cart, duration of the rental and the additional fees and insurance. By understanding these factors and comparing different options, you can find the best deal for your golf cart rental.

I hope this article has helped you in your research for renting golf carts. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to leave them below. I would love to hear from you and will reply back soon.

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